Discipleship Groups

Discipleship is one of the highest priorities we have at Redeemer Church. We believe that God has called each and every one of us to be followers of Jesus who help others find and follow Jesus. The first step in discipleship is to plug into a Community Group. The next step for those seeking consistent and concentrated times of discipleship would be utilizing our discipleship group resources. These groups will likely be primarily composed of those in your Community Group or a Ministry Team on which you serve.

Consists of 3 to 5 Christians of the same gender

Committed to Discipleship

Committed to Nurture

Committed to Accountability

Committed to gathering regularly

Community Groups

Community Groups are the best and primary way to get connected to Redeemer Church. Each week, groups gather throughout various neighborhoods in our city. The goal of these groups is simple. We seek to be who we are, where we are. Being part of one of these small communities is an opportunity for us to know others on a more personal level, grow together in our faith in Jesus, and live on mission for Jesus in our community. Our groups meet in the evening Sunday-Thursday. Fill out the form below and we can get you connected to a group.