In 2019, we made 2020 Old Mill Road our home. It is our vision to see our home become a hub for gospel advancement through North Carolina. As we become a maturing and multiplying people, we desire to leave eastern North Carolina radically changed by the gospel. Our legacy will not be our church facility, but our mobilization to plant gospel-centered congregations in small communities throughout our region.
We have a vision to increase our seating capacity so that we can increase our sending capacity. We want to create room to grow, so that we can call upon people to go plant churches throughout North Carolina. Over the next twenty years, by God's grace, we intend to plant congregations in Wilson, Tarboro, Roanoke Rapids, and other small towns in our region. Additionally, we want to better serve the Spanish speaking population in our community by planting Redeemer en Español.
We have a vision to increase our seating capacity so that we can increase our sending capacity. We want to create room to grow, so that we can call upon people to go plant churches throughout North Carolina. Over the next twenty years, by God's grace, we intend to plant congregations in Wilson, Tarboro, Roanoke Rapids, and other small towns in our region. Additionally, we want to better serve the Spanish speaking population in our community by planting Redeemer en Español.
Our plan is to reach 100 people in each of the communities we are targeting for planting. With Rocky Mount acting as our hub, we will plant Life Groups in these various small towns while using our Rocky Mount campus as a place for equipping. After multiplying Life Groups and equipping 100 people to reach people in their own context, we will send out a church planter to launch a Redeemer Church congregation. For the first three to five years, Redeemer Church in Rocky Mount will heavily fund this new congregation and share our staff, physical resources, sermon series, and more. This will provide these new congregations the ability to launch as fully equipped and staffed churches on day one.
Fund the Mission
Select "Expansion/Building Fund" from the dropdown menu.
Stock, Mutual Fund, Bond, or Marketable Security Gift
To improve efficiency, Redeemer has partnered with the National Christian Foundation (NCF) to process gifts of marketable securities, such as stocks, mutual funds, or bonds, directly. If you’d like to give a stock, mutual fund, bond, or marketable security gift, please click the button below to email Kathryn Williams who is our contact with NCF.
We are finalizing plans to build a new Worship Center that will more than double our current seating capacity. Additionally, we will increase the size of our central lobby while converting our current Worship Center into a multi-purpose space for our steadily growing student ministry. Last, the new design will double our kids ministry capacity by adding a new kids entrance and lobby, along with four new classrooms and an assembly room.
Our increased seating capacity will allow us to intentionally engage people in surrounding communities. We will have the space to invite them to worship with us and to be equipped at our Rocky Mount facility. As Life Groups multiply in each community, we will begin the multi-year process of raising up a church planter and core team to launch a new congregation in one of our target communities.